💡 Notion Tip: Document your company's approach to sales to keep new hires and veteran employees on the same page. Content recommendations below.
Company Overview
- Summary of company history and why it was started
- High level goals and problems the company solves for people
- Main value propositions of the company
- Quick summary of the company's defining qualities/philosophy
- Quick descriptions of each product or package sold
- What is each one for? What does each one solve?
- Why was each product created? What value do they provide?
- Who are each of these products for? General audience?
- What are the main steps of your sales process?
- On what timeline/cadence do you contact customers?
- How do you reach customers? Email? Phone? In-person?
- What is the normal timing for moving customers from prospects to closed deals?
- What should be documented by the sales team along the way? Where should they keep notes and report on their progress?
- Guidelines for how to speak to customers? Etiquette recommendations?