<aside> 🎨 Hello! I'm Ada Lee, a student at the University of San Francisco. Majoring in Media Studies and Communications, I am passionate about creating impactful digital content. My academic journey is marked by consistently exploring the intersection of technology, media, and society, and how they shape our world.



🌈 About Me

As a student at the University of San Francisco majoring in Media Studies and Communications, I am a creative thinker and problem solver, always studying the latest trends and methods in digital content creation. When I'm not engrossed in my coursework or working on my own media projects, you can find me sketching out new ideas or pouring over academic texts on the way technology, media, and society influence each other.

📋 Experience

Product Design Intern - Notion

May 6, 2024 - Aug 30, 2024

At Notion, I was responsible for creating and iterating on digital product designs. I worked closely with the design and development teams to create user-centered designs and contributed to the user research process.

Head of Marketing - Design Club @ USF

Jan 10, 2023 - May 15, 2024

As the Head of Marketing for the Design Club at USF, I was responsible for creating awareness about our events and initiatives. I managed our social media presence, designed promotional materials, and coordinated with other student organizations for collaborative events.

✨ Relevant Courses

⭐ Skills

📬 Contact

Reach me at [email protected] or on LinkedIn at www.linkedin.com/in/ada-lee. Let's connect and learn together!

Thanks for stopping by my corner of the internet! 💫